Tuesday 12 March 2013

More Extrovert so to say?...

TADA~!~!~! Reason for this amazing topic? Ahaha I realized that my previous two topics were more of a introvert way of presenting my thoughts which may not be a bad thing you know. Well definitely there's two ways (positive and negative) for both intro or extrovert.

The different elements brought Introvert Vs Extrovert. Dang you have it! The fight of polar characteristics where conservative vs adventurous,  social freak vs self-discipline and whatever that opposite one another ( How bout yin yang~?)

As a blogger myself, I would ultimately say that my blog as for now would be more of an introvert specie which would spark interest of the question "Why?' when people usually use blog to pour their feeling which may end up as an extrovert essay. Why? Well it's simple as I wanted to pour my feeling in a soft manner with thoughts and orderly manner. Side note to this topic: I define introvert as more of a mutual understanding of trust and believe on that one topic while extrovert would be a share of wide elements to thrust the enjoyment for readers! Not a bad thing for both type Aye~!

However, I'm more in the spot of combining the strength of both perspectives into one which I viewed as the best way to integrate myself onto a higher level of improvement in terms of language. Perhaps there's more ways than this but you never know if not to try, right? No! Well in a sense of knowing that the next step would probably lead to somewhere close to the final goal and then it would be a big Yes ~.

There's another Yes as an answer if you readers ask whether i felt more attached to this writer-reader topic where i really do interact directly with the reader with my nonstop expression. Haha, I would still continue to do what I do best and seek to improve gradually without haste which could be detrimental to my love of blogging right? Yes Yes Yes! Keep positive ^^~

Quote: ' Telling an introvert to go to a party is like telling a saint go to Hell.' - Criss Jami

Monday 11 March 2013

What happen on the other side?

As historians around the world get fascinated in the world history ranging from the the civil war that landed upon the New World to the unification of the Three Kingdoms in the eastern continent, there are also myths and ideologies of the creation of the other  puzzle pieces which some may refer them as the period of gods existence in the land we are standing on today. Two different opinion from the free thinker and believer would stood by in debating whether god itself really do stand among us or at least exist in this world.

Like all mankind that breathe the same air in this world, I would love to share some of my thoughts of this topic, specifically on Greek Mythology which at present spark most of my interests to learn more of this great believe. Films released in recent years such as Clash of the Titans and its follow up Wrath of the Titans further engulfed me in the rich story of the Greek Mythology. 

The 3 main gods in greek, Zeus the leader of the olympians and more easily recognized as the thunder god who hold the thunderbolt in his hand, Poseidon the god who rules all the seas with his trident while lastly Hades the God of the Underworld and mostly said to has the most unpopular position among the three gods after imprisoning their father, Cronus in the very depth of the underworld, Tartarus itself. There's always saying that all of them revolved themselves with lust that perpetuate how we perceived the god would be portrayed. 

Unlike other myths in this world, the events that happen in greek mythology are full of incidents where the raping of own sister happen in order for marriage to happen and the abduction of goddess for the sake of forced marriage. At this point, it would definitely be surprising how such events could actually happen in the world of gods. Never would we had guessed that gods too actually have the essence of destruction, lust. The beauty of Zeus's own sister, Hera made Zeus himself wanted to take Hera as her wife while Zeus too has other love affairs. Poseidon on the other hand has Amphitrite as his consort and even fathered numerous children including those with mortal beings. Hades too did his part by kidnapping Persephone through trickery and lies. All of this occur within the grasp of lust and such word should be reckon for us human being to learn and take note.

Of course we could not forget the heroic contributions by these gods which teach us the need to love, fight for justice and impartiality. Not naming any of these examples as a lot of this positive events could even be portray in today society where we learn how to behave in an utmost positive character to survive with integrity and respect. though our actions may well be more or less significant than those of olympian gods but we do carry out all this meaningful and loved actions with sincerity that are far no less than those of gods. Well.... mostly, as there's always a minority of opposite individual that do things differently than the norms.

To end it, enjoy the meaning of this quote " The merit of originality is not novelty, it is sincerity". Thank you for reading till now.