Tuesday 12 March 2013

More Extrovert so to say?...

TADA~!~!~! Reason for this amazing topic? Ahaha I realized that my previous two topics were more of a introvert way of presenting my thoughts which may not be a bad thing you know. Well definitely there's two ways (positive and negative) for both intro or extrovert.

The different elements brought Introvert Vs Extrovert. Dang you have it! The fight of polar characteristics where conservative vs adventurous,  social freak vs self-discipline and whatever that opposite one another ( How bout yin yang~?)

As a blogger myself, I would ultimately say that my blog as for now would be more of an introvert specie which would spark interest of the question "Why?' when people usually use blog to pour their feeling which may end up as an extrovert essay. Why? Well it's simple as I wanted to pour my feeling in a soft manner with thoughts and orderly manner. Side note to this topic: I define introvert as more of a mutual understanding of trust and believe on that one topic while extrovert would be a share of wide elements to thrust the enjoyment for readers! Not a bad thing for both type Aye~!

However, I'm more in the spot of combining the strength of both perspectives into one which I viewed as the best way to integrate myself onto a higher level of improvement in terms of language. Perhaps there's more ways than this but you never know if not to try, right? No! Well in a sense of knowing that the next step would probably lead to somewhere close to the final goal and then it would be a big Yes ~.

There's another Yes as an answer if you readers ask whether i felt more attached to this writer-reader topic where i really do interact directly with the reader with my nonstop expression. Haha, I would still continue to do what I do best and seek to improve gradually without haste which could be detrimental to my love of blogging right? Yes Yes Yes! Keep positive ^^~

Quote: ' Telling an introvert to go to a party is like telling a saint go to Hell.' - Criss Jami


  1. Extrovert! What do you think of me? An extrovert or the opposite? (Mostly will answer quickly—the extrovert= =) Well I do think we have both the qualities, the question is which one do you normally express, or dominated.)

    Well, every cloud has its silver lining—as well as behind every light has the shadow, so we can never conclude which one is better. The key of success is MODERATION; you need to find the balance between being an extro and an intro, but it always a hard task to accomplish. However what means by “an introvert way of presenting thoughts”? I wonder if there is anyway to distinguish between these two in presenting thoughts…Please explain, will you?=p

  2. Well... I would rate you of more a extrovert person due to your openness personality while you introvert may become significant in you when you're being alone and start thinking stuff alone. Sorry if i say wrong ( Just what i feel)

    Yeah being in d middle is d best as we would be able to manage well of how emotional level. As to your question of "an introvert way of presenting thoughts", it would largely meant by a very formal presenting method ( neutral in sharing thoughts while able to gave a sense of implicit content where readers would most probably view differently after reading the blog. PS: Not being really close to reader but could show mutual understanding for both parties. As for extrovert, i presume it be a very direct approach where you can see feelings everywhere of the blog where blogger can be sense as an expressionist and approachable? Haha just my thoughts but may differs from other people.

    1. Edit: you introvert> your introvert characteristic
      how emotional level> our emotional level

  3. Oh I see...get your mean~Some people intend to share their lives and feeling on blogs, but some may use it as a tool to present their thinking, something that inspire them, then that will be much different.

    Well, I think I will be either extrovert or introvert depends on the environment... When people are talkative, or people whom I am not familiar with, I will be more a listener, or just stay silent and nod whatever I heard. The inverse as you see, a talkative girl who never know to end(LOL).
