Tuesday 16 April 2013

Perpetual Crack in the Period of "Now"

( Image Source: LIMBOGAME.ORG)

Ends of February... He had just received the 'Okay' sign to step out of his comfort zone. Unprepared and flustered had pulsed down deep within him as the journey he's going to take would be an unprecedented and totally different experience from his peers.

Years of being with his parents, the boy finally step out from that bounded protection however with an instant 180 degree change rather than a cumulative phase changing process.
( What should I do.... I'm totally alone to handle this changes that smack right onto my face. Yes I know my family is behind me... I mean right now! The actual moment of facing such great heights on a foreign soil that flourish exponentially in term of higher education compared to my homeland.)

That boy was correct at that time... he did faced the best challenges that could be hurl at him when he attended the best education level of that rightful age in the country. Everything seems to go exactly like how the boy predicted. Adaptation, fundamental in knowledge and know-hows in that country spooked the boy right of from the start. The fact that the boy faces such problem where fundamental knowledge is needed the most at that period... had speak of what would be a big ride to the end.

Though the boy had actually struggle the most in adapting on the new environment where everything seem to be out of places, like a mess up puzzle... Adaptation is the first thing that boy tried to learn where it is the first step to every problem in which a sense of adaptation would kick out the progress. This little boy experiences gap and unfamiliar scenes at great depth for the first time. A total of several months were needed by him to accustom on the changes. The time he took also put his studies onto the front line of death. Hopes was indefinitely lost on the 2nd half of his own survival in that year. The resurgence of him to pull everything back to place was still inadequate to cover his study. His ultimate failure to do so had gave him a first taste of a major fall of his life. One the other hand, a second chance was given to him and he took it with determination to climb out of the pit.

The second year was full with consistency and perseverance where everything seem to go smoothly. He himself was proud of his efforts that could clearly be seen in his college performances. However, he did still miss the chance to achieve  feat as he miss by a single credit point to continue his study. Yes.... a second major fall in two consecutive year... but this time with a smile on his face as to how he did put in his best to chase back all the necessary knowledge he needs in this country education that he had never possess before in his life.

Two years fueled with happiness and sadness that none really could comprehend as when the little boy looks at his peers that took different path down their roads which looks obnoxiously easier.....

(It's seems like I took a task bigger than what I could handle while looking at my friends continue to climb.... I am happy for them while a squeeze of my heart seems to be happening too...)

There came the boy now standing back up for the third time in a different education path in the same country in search of new steps.

Yea... that boy is actually me, a mind blowing experience I would say and not everyone could have such privilege to go through one. It may sound ironic to say it's a privilege on this particular event but it does not sounds wrong considering you could experience this path where generally none had took this path. Self-reflection seems to be always going on in my mind to absorb every possible learning point from those 2 years and be able to use it today.

However, there's a bitter feeling of why I did not choose the easier path 2 years back earlier where everything will be much smoother than it could possibly be than today. Maybe God wants to let me experience first hand of failure and let me walk the long pavement down the road. No matter how is it, I still believe there's light down the tunnel as to how many people put it that way. Quote given by Barack Obama 'If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.' speak for itself, it may be hard for me to walk down the road but all I need to do now is to endure till the last. To fellow reader, never stop walking.

This video relates of how we should continue to stand up and continue to walk


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