Wednesday 26 February 2014

I Hope I Still Remember...

   My Favourite Teacher

When  there is one opportunity in your lifetime, would you grab it or just let it pass by? This question used to occur on me while reminiscing my past.The reason was I had once miss this particular opportunity and now it it too late. Seven years since then, still.... I could remember it. She is the first and last teacher which I think I will met in my life. She is the best in my opinion because she teaches me like  her own children. Though sadly I have forgotten her name but I will never forget the friendliness and the kindness she gave me.

        The warmth and love of a person could bring a big differences on people's life. She had accomplished that in my opinion as I am now grateful and honoured to include her in my past. Even though she teaches me for a year , it felt as I have been learning for 10 years under her guidance. Every student in my class appeal to her a lot regardless of our races and cultures because she always give the best. There isn't much pressure given by her when she try to share her knowledge and she never left our class behind.

         Now that I am a sixteen years old boy who are reaching my early's 17s, I realize that she had help me in loving English as my secondary language. I feel that she is the next reason that i realize that I love English after my sister's influence. All those teachings of her had create a new phase in my life. I have learn to write essays with composure and always be calm in writing. Whether it is technique or not, I experiences improvement through her. In my opinion, a person capabilities or technical skills doesn't just come from a mere sheet of test paper filled with individuals' scores. In my case, it refer to  individuals who think logically, unbiased in argument and being coherent in their thinking. There are people that doesn't do well in exam but it doesn't imply their inability of achieving success in life. Instead, they may be the ones who could bring differences to the world in the future. Take Albert Einstein for an example, he was treated as a failure by the teachers during his early teens but he had achieved great things in his life.(what will i achieve then?@.@). Therefore, I would never give a negative opinion of others even though they doesn't do well in the exam. On contrary, I will criticise myself to go for improvement. I will make it simple through whether you will do it through realization.

         Back to the point, this teacher of mine should haven been reaching her late 40's by now. I hope she is doing well now, in a pink of health!! and continue to spread her knowledge as well as love to the children. I would never forget the strength she had given to me especially during a time where my friends and I were together with the teacher to visit another school to compete for an oral competition. I still remember the true personalities of the teacher during the rides to the school. It was filled with laughter and the teacher was seen as a carefree and enjoyable person. Even though our competition didn't went well as we wished but she still gave us a smile.

          For the closure of this story, I would say that this is the essay which I felt difficult to write as there is a lot of things that are beyond my explanation. I did my best to share with the reader as these kind of theme is hard for me personally. I wish her the best wherever she is now. If fate is on my side, I hope we will be able to meet again so that I could personally thank her as she is the one that bring me in loving English and leading me to pursue further knowledge in English. Last of all , I like to thank all the reader who sacrifice their times in reading my humble story.  Peace^_^

"Dream is the first step to success and..
determination is the effort in pursuing achievements..."               

P\S: I went through my fb wall and saw this notes that I had written years ago... Did some editing and decided to post here hehe

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