Monday 3 June 2013

Relate the Related Issues

Sitting in the MRT waiting to alight and heads back home~ 
Should I?...... Hmm maybe not.

Already a mature person in age, as for brainwise well i'm not the one to decide but it's the job of my fellow companions. Still.... calling home to ask for well being is not an easy task. It's seem like calling home must consist of a reason and I alway wonder why I could not do the other way around. This should sounds familiar to some but there's also a "owh" sentiment by those who did this practice easily since young.
Ironically it may seems when I used to think that why do you waste money to call your loved ones for no reason. Well since I'm young, forgive me about that.. as maturity sets in we tend to be more sentimental especially toward things around us which eventually lead us to being more responsible.

What about acting as a spoil brat at home when you know you should not. Foolish and it hurts by the time thing had already happen... However, we could be at ease to know that they actually love us when they care to tend for us during our foolish moments. Furthermore, it's actually a repetitive cycles that happen in a lot of families nonetheless able to strengthen the relationship.

Best of all, declaring a one sided cold war with your loved ones which actually is an unprogressive war that eventually led to your own defeat. They did that once and we're just repeating what they had done. So... we're just digging our own graves. Sooner or later we will give in as we are still a minimee of them thus it's actually a play in a park for them while an irritated ending for us. Sounds sad but it's the truth mostly because they are the ones that bring us to this world and we are still under their wings until the time is right for us to fly. 

Communication- the human connection is the key to personal and career success -Paul J. Meyer


  1. What happened? I wish the cold war had ended...

  2. Lol nothing big really happen but just some experiences happened in my life which is interesting to be shared with. Day to day events~
